"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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EXODUS | 16:7 who — EXOD252 Many of the biblical figures that our Jew...

EXOD252 Many of the biblical figures that our Jewish teachers want us to emulate have a strong sense of their personal insignificance. Abraham, who lived more like a sheik than a poor nomadic herdsman, refers to himself as “but dust and ashes” [Gen. 18:27]. Moses and Aaron, after negotiating with Pharaoh to bring the Jews out of Egypt, ask, “Who are we?” [this verse] David poetically disparages himself, saying: “I am a worm, less than human, scorned by men, despised by people” Psalm 22:7. Such putting oneself “in one’s place” continues as a significant theme throughout Jewish literature. The early 13th century Franco-German sage Judah the Pious counsels: “One should remember that snow begins pure white but soon turns into slush. So we, too, despite our great beauty, will one day become a small heap of worm-eaten matter” Judah Hehasid, Sefer Hasidim, 305. The Spanish mystic-philosopher Nahmanides, living about the same time as Judah, gives this advice to his children: “Let your voice be low and your head bowed; let your eyes turn earthwards—every man should seem in your eyes as one greater than yourselves” Hebrew Ethical Wills. Maimonides explains this austere attitude: “Some believe that it is forbidden to take the middle way when it comes to humility. Rather, they think people should distance themselves as far as possible from the one extreme, pridefulness, and go to the other. Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Deot 2:3. For pride, says the Bible, is the great threat to Jewish character and deserves God’s punishment: “God, see every proud man and bring him low” Job 40:11. “God says, ‘I cannot endure the haughty and proud man’” Psalms 101:5 “Adonai abominates haughty people” Proverbs 16:5   The antidote to pride is humility. For centuries, our teachers have sought ways to keep us from becoming people who “Lie back on our beds, sigh, and say in our heart, ‘How great I am’” Maimon, Sarei Meah [The century’s princes].


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