"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 28:12 heaven — GEN1263 Five possessions has the Holy, Blessed...

GEN1263 Five possessions has the Holy, Blessed One … [The heaven and earth; Abraham; the people Israel; the Sanctuary] … Pirkei Avot VI:10   Science teaches that matter and energy may be interchangeable, but are indestructible.  Midrash Sh’muel, however, understands “heaven and earth” literally; for as the Almighty’s “possession” they are one entity. The verse quoted in proof says nothing about kinyan but instead describes heaven as the Holy One’s throne and the earth as His footstool.  But, notes Midrash Sh’muel, a throne is itself a supreme symbol of royalty; hence heaven (with earth as its adjunct, for a footstool) is clearly an important kinyan of the Almighty, a cherished possession peculiarly His own, that is everlasting. What sublime truth lies in this. Many have gazed in wonder at the raptures of heaven, at the awesome mystery of stars reaching in a patterned precision to infinity. Many have looked in sudden marvel at the panoramic vistas of nature revealed on earth, to be touched by a sense of awe, a premonition of the majesty of a sovereign Creator. It is as though someone wandering he new not where came upon a colossal throne and its footstool, and realized that a mighty, awesome king ruled there.   How fitting, too, the rest of the quoted verse. If heaven and earth are His cosmic throne and stool, what sense does it make for man to build a Temple for Him to abide in? If we built a Sanctuary in Jerusalem, it was only because we humans were not ready to perceive His presence everywhere. But ultimately mankind must perceive the entire world as His Sanctuary, filled with His immanence, so that wherever he is, man can exclaim with Jacob, “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.” [this verse].  Our Sages evidently reached this great realization. They taught, “whoever takes benefit from this world without reciting a blessing, ma’al, commits sacrilege” – i.e. he commits a crime akin to violating the holiness of the Sanctuary.  R. Judah, quoting Sh’muel, is more explicit: “whoever takes benefit from this world without reciting a blessing for it, it is as if he benefited from Heaven’s sacred property.” And another Sage taught, “Whoever commits a sin in secret, it is as though he pushed against the feet of the sh’chinah; for it is stated … the earth is My footstool.”  Talmud Berakoth 35a, Hagaigah 16a. SINAI3 392-3


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