"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 25:27 became — GEN1212 Possibly the most important educational p...

GEN1212 Possibly the most important educational principle for a Jewish parent to adhere to is the nation of bringing up each child according to his or her unique personality, character traits, and talents.   [Hirsch commentary, this verse].   To demonstrate this, Samson Raphael Hirsch asks a simple but difficult question.   We can understand why one of Abraham’s children, Yishmael, went off the proper path, since although he had Abraham for a father, his genes and environment were somewhat tainted by having the maidservant Hagar for a mother.   However, how is it possible to understand why one of Isaac’s sons, Esau, went off the proper path?   After all, both parents, Rebecca and Isaac, were righteous, and the home environment was a proper Jewish one?   Hirsch answers that a clue is provided by th[is] verse that says that the brothers Esau and Jacob grew up, and only then it indicates that Esau was a hunter while Jacob dwelt in the tent (of study).   It is clear, according to Hirsch, based on this verse, that both Esau and Jacob, born as twins, were raised in precisely the same environment and with the same methodology.   Rebecca and Isaac raised both of their children identically, and that was their mistake.  They did not take into account that Esau possessed a different personality from Jacob and needed his own special environment in order to be raised to become a righteous human being.  Esau rebelled against this upbringing, which did not suit his personality and temperament, and turned to the evil path.  Had Isaac and Rebecca realized Esau’s unique personality traits early on, they could have raised him differently and he could also have become righteous like Jacob.   AMEMEI 208


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