"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 25:19 begot — GEN1204 The term leitzanus refers to ridic...

GEN1204 The term leitzanus refers to ridicule and cynicism directed toward a person or against any concept of positive value.   The Torah considers it one of the most destructive character traits in existence, since the mockery of a cynic destroys the very fabric of man’s fear of Heaven.   The “leitzanim” said that Yitzchak was conceived from Avimelech and not Avraham (this verse, Rashi). The implications of their cynicism involve the disintegration of the entire legacy of Avraham Avinu. Aside from the devastating nature of leitzanus, there is a Torah prohibition against it derived from the verse (Devarim 6:7), You shall speak of them [words of Torah] and not other things (Yoma 19b, Chavas HaShemirah, Ch. 9). This teaches us that our basic agenda is to lead a Torah life (all our activities—physical, financial, recreational—are to be in conformance with Torah, and we are to dedicate ourselves to. Torah study and practice as much as possible given the constrictions of daily life). Words of no positive value and destructive to ourselves and our endeavor to follow Hashem are to be excluded from our speech. Aside from the prohibition of the leitzanus itself, it leads to many other sins.  The trait of leitzanus brings on Divine retribution even in this world and ultimately results in the destruction of the cynic.   The cynic enjoys his mockery; he cannot accept any reproof (which he will merely mock as well). Therefore the only hope for him is Divine retribution, for that he will be unable to mock. (See Mesillas Yesharim, Chapter 5.). Avodah Zarah 18b; Mesillas Yesharim Ch. 5. The Sages taught that someone who engages in leitzanus falls into Gehinnom. Avodah Zarah ibid. Furthermore, the leitz is one of four categories of people who will not merit to bask in the Divine Presence. Sotah 42a. The other three are people who regularly engage in lashon hara, flattery, and falsehood.   The prohibition against leitzanus includes reading heretical writings as well as any books and periodicals containing leitzanus, obscenity, profanity, etc., since they all debase and demoralize the Divine soul. Chavas HaShemirah ibid. Television and radio programs can easily fall into this category. EHRMAN 137


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