"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 24:14 water — GEN1175 Rabban Gamaliel said: Provide yourself...

GEN1175 Rabban Gamaliel said: Provide yourself with a teacher, and free yourself from doubt … Pirkei Avot I:16  If a teacher is to guide you toward certainty so as to resolve your doubts, he must first be quite sure of himself and illuminate a path of life that is clear and consistent. Such a feeling of self-confidence and certainty an only be grounded in a deep knowledge and grasp of Jewish law. We are being advised therefore as to the qualifications to demand from a teacher and preacher whom we may appoint. Too many communities require only that their rabbi be an accomplished speaker, adept at socializing and raising funds. Of these qualities they make certain. But when it comes to the man’s piety or his learning, they conjecture and estimate; in short, they are in doubt.   An analogous situation exists in choosing a wife. A man can never be certain of all the qualities and characteristics of his intended spouse. But each person makes sure of those qualities which he values most. One suitor will ascertain that his fiancée cooks well; another that she dances well; a third that she is interested in the arts. When Eliezer the servant of Abraham went to seek a bride for Isaac, he made certain about another set of values altogether. The “test” which he imposed on the girl to be chosen probed for character, for kindness and generosity. [this verse]. Our Mishnah instructs us, then, that in choosing a teacher and spiritual guide, make certain of his basic qualifications, so that he can resolve your doubts and allay your uncertainties.  SINAI1 102


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