"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 18:27 dust — GEN1048 Humility. First among these [ethical tool...

GEN1048 Humility. First among these [ethical tools which seek to shape our character] aids to the Godly life is humility. The greatness of God is best seen in His modesty, says R. Johanan. Megilah 31a   Humility avoids the extremes of self-effacement on the one hand, and of self-glorification on the other. Jeremiah does not consider it sinful to rejoice in achievement so long as one recognizes that all blessings flow from His gifts. The prophet only denounces the boastfulness which results from the mere acquisition of wealth, strength or wisdom. Jeremiah 9:22-23. Haggai 2:9 echoes this declaration in his statement that God is not impressed with material riches without a corresponding wealth of the spirit; to which the Psalmist 147:2 (sic?) adds strength and the Book of Proverbs 21:30 wisdom.   Among men material things are considered things that matter most; but He loves “a broken and a contrite heart” Psalms 51:19 His chief demands of man are “Justice, Mercy and HumilityMicah 6:8 Abraham spoke of himself as "but dust and ashes"; and the glory of Moses was his humility Numbers 12:3 The fact that this quality is singled out in the character of one who was the paragon of all virtues is the measure of its importance. Isaiah 66:1-2 ranks this virtue above the building of religious shrines, a belief expressed in other parts of the Bible. Deuteronomy 8:10-18; Isaiah 10:13-15; Psalms 127:1. Besides Abraham and Moses, Gideon [Who refused a crown; Judges 8:23], Saul and David are also displayed as models of meekness.   LEHRMAN 255-6


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