"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 18:19 just — GEN982 … there are times when it is a mitzvah to ...

GEN982 … there are times when it is a mitzvah to hate. One might ask, “How is this congruent with the Torah personality of love and kindness?”   Every human being is endowed with a Divine spark that inspires him to love kindness, truth and justice.   At the same time, there is an inner drive pushing him to be selfish and to single-mindedly fulfill all his desires and goals with a total disregard both for other people and for these positive values of human interaction. Most people waver between these two drives, sometimes following one, sometimes the other, and usually applying a combination of both. Simultaneously, every person has natural tendencies toward love and hatred – love for those people or ideas for which he has an affinity, and hatred as a reaction to his feelings of aversion for others. The legacy of our forefather Avraham, and the prime teaching of the Torah, is that a person develop his Divine spark, which will lead him to follow the way of kindness and justice [this verse]. He must also strive to overcome, as much as possible, the trait of selfishness, which leads to all the vices of the world. As a person develops this Divine spark within himself, he will feel an affinity to those qualities and an aversion to vice. Shaarei Teshuvah 3:190  The prime method of developing this Divine spark and an ultimate appreciation of Torah, kindness and justice is to recognize the manifold infinite kindnesses of Hashem. Every person must contemplate that his very creation is due to the sheer kindness of Hashem, Who constantly showers him with life, sustenance and an infinite number of seemingly natural miracles. The enormity of the precise workings of the human organism, as well as animals, plants, etc. multiplied by billions, will overwhelm any thinking individual as to the majesty and kindness of the Creator. EHRMAN 35-6


Source KeyEHRMAN
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