"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 18:5 morsel — GEN916 Say little and do much. Pirkei A...

GEN916 Say little and do much. Pirkei Avot I:15   Abraham provides the classic illustration of this dictum. He said to his guests, “I will fetch a morsel of bread, and do you sustain your hearts.” [this verse] Yet what did he really do? Not only did he serve bread, but also milk and butter and later meat and wheat cakes. There are many people who do the reverse: they say much, promising many things, but actually do very little there are others who base their talk on some real performance, but then boast of what they have done out of all proportion to the actual deed.   In fact, many people seem to live in a world of verbalization, a universe of words, recounted and repeated to friends and acquaintances. One trivial incident can serve as the source of a spate of words that runs through five cocktail parties and six marathon telephone conversations. So Shammai reminds us: the world of reality is still the world of deeds. The arena for achievement is still “doing.” Hence, “say little and do much.” Even in the field of learning, do not pose as a scholar simply because you have memorized a few passages from Scripture. Say “little”: consider that you have studied only a bit; “and do much”: let this stimulate you to achieve much more.  SINAI1 99


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