"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 17:1 perfect — GEN868 It is this all-encompassing Torah principl...

GEN868 It is this all-encompassing Torah principle of בדרכיו והלכת   [walking in His ways] concerning emulation of the ways and attributes of the Creator, which is the great central motif around which we must pattern all of our attitudes and all of our efforts concerning character development and ethical self-improvement. In his commentary on Genesis the Sforno renders expression to the exceedingly far-reaching significance of this concept as the most fundamental principle in regard to the development of the total Torah personality. Thus, on the words of the Almighty to Avraham … Walk before Me and be perfect [this verse], the Sforno remarks, “Attain the greatest perfection possible for a human being, to understand and know Me, Jeremiah 9:23 Radak commentary, through knowledge of My ways, and through emulating Me as much as is possible for you.   For in truth, the deeds of everything that exists serve as a reflection of its essence. [i.e., Therefore, we can know the Almighty through our knowledge of His attributes and His deeds.] As Moshe Rabbeinu said, “Pray, let me know Your ways, that I might know You.” Exodus 33:13 This is the ultimate perfection for the human race, and this is the purpose of the Eternal, be He blessed, in Creation, as it says “Let us make man, in our image [With a spark of eternal intellect, See Rashi, Sforno], after our [Whose behavior is performed with knowledge and bechirah – free choice. See Sforno] likeness.” [Rabbeinu Ovadiah Sforno (1470-1550) on Genesis 17:1].   In a similar vein, Maimonides stipulates that it is an affirmative Torah commandment for each individual to attempt to emulate the attributes of the Almighty.   “We were commanded to emulate the Almighty as much as possible. This is what is meant by the verse, You shall walk in His ways. Deuteronomy 28:9 The commandment is repeated in another verse, as it says “To walk in all His ways.” Deuteronomy 11:22.   For similar verses, see Deuteronomy 8:6, 10:12; 14:5; 19:9; 26:17; 28:9; 30:16. The repetition of this phrase a number of times in the Torah, reinforces the significance of this concept.]   This was explained in the Sifrei to mean, “Just as the Almighty is referred to as merciful, Exodus 34:6; Psalms 145:8, so, too, shall you be merciful; just as the Almighty is referred to as compassionate, ibid. so, too, shall you be compassionate; just as the Almighty is referred to as righteous, Psalms 145:17, 11:7, so, too, shall you be righteous; just as the Almighty is referred to as saintly Psalms 145:17, Jeremiah 3:12, So, too shall you be saintly.” Rambam, Sefer Hamitazvos, Mitzvas Asei 8.  FENDEL 5-6


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