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GENESIS | 4:8 killed — GEN493 Why sacrifices? To be sure, they have not ...

GEN493 Why sacrifices? To be sure, they have not been part of the life of Judaism since the destruction of the Second Temple, almost two thousand years ago. But why, if they are a means to an end, did God choose this end? This is, of course, one of the deepest questions in Judaism, and there are many answers. Here I want to explore just one, first given by the early-15th-century Jewish thinker, Rabbi Joseph Albo, in his Sefer Haikkarim. Albo’s theory took as its starting point not sacrifices but two other questions. The first: why after the Flood did God permit human beings to eat meat? Genesis 9:3-5. Initially, neither human beings nor animals had been meat eaters Genesis 1:29–30. What caused God, as it were, to change His mind? The second: What was wrong the first act of sacrifice, Cain’s offering of “some of the fruits of the soil” Genesis 4:3-5? God’s rejection of that offering led directly to the first murder, when Cain killed Abel. What was at stake in the difference between the offerings Cain and Abel brought to God? Albo’s theory is that killing animals for food is inherently wrong. It involves taking the life of a sentient being to satisfy our needs. Cain knew this. He believed there was a strong kinship between man and the animals. That is why he offered not an animal sacrifice, but a vegetable one (his error, according to Albo, is that he should have brought fruit, not vegetables -- the highest, not the lowest, of non-meat produce). Abel, by contrast, believed that there was a qualitative difference between man and the animals. Had God not told the first humans: “rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves in the ground”? That is why he brought an animal sacrifice. Once Cain saw that Abel’s sacrifice had been accepted while his own was not, he reasoned thus: if God, who forbids us to kill animals for food, permits and even favors killing an animal as a sacrifice, and if, as Cain believed, there is no ultimate difference between human beings and animals, then I shall offer the highest living being as a sacrifice to God, namely my brother Abel. Cain killed Abel as a human sacrifice. That is why God permitted meat-eating after the Flood. Before the Flood, the world had been “filled with violence.” Perhaps violence is an inherent part of human nature. If humanity were to be allowed to exist at all, God would have to lower his demands. Let humans kill animals, He said, rather than kill human beings-the one form of life that is not only God’s creation but also God’s image. SACKS 159-60


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