"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 4:7 master — GEN480 The fact that God issues commands to human...

GEN480 The fact that God issues commands to humankind, starting with Adam in the Garden of Eden, suggests that humans are “choosing” creatures with the capacity to curb their impulses. With this “free will,” humans earn their reward and punishment, because the biblical God is considered the embodiment of justice and does not issue unmerited consequences. Deuteronomy exhorts Israel, “I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse, Choose life!” (30:19). The prophet Jeremiah can justify the destruction of Judah, because God sent a series of prophets to call the people to repentance but they did not listen (Jeremiah 7:25, 25:4-7, 26:5). A few passages in the Bible suggest that divine prerogative occasionally requires the suspension of human free will… [t]hese cases, however, are lonely exceptions to the importance attributed to choice. (By Elaine Adler Goodfriend, “Ethical Theory and Practice in the Hebrew Bible) OXFORD 44-5


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