"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 1:27 image — GEN87 By doing acts of chesed (the term denoting ...

GEN87 By doing acts of chesed (the term denoting all forms of assisting others) you emulate God.  The Chofetz Chayim cites commentators who explain that “image of God” means man has the ability to emulate God, who bestows kindness on people.  Someone who performs a kind act reflects God’s attributes.  Someone who thinks to himself, “Why should I help others?” completely alienates himself from Godliness.  The very survival of humanity is dependent on chesed.  Every person, without exception, needs the help of his fellow man as anyone who has given the matter thought realizes. For example: 1.People, even the very wealthy, sometimes need to borrow money. 2. A person may need others to help him gain a source of income. 3. When a person celebrates a joyous occasion, such as a wedding or bris, he needs people to rejoice with him, for a man who is alone cannot experience complete happiness. 4. When a person is sad, he needs people to comfort him and cheer him. 5. When a person has a heavy load, he needs people to help him. 6. When a person travels to another town, he needs people to invite him to their homes. 7. When a person is ill, he needs people to visit him and give him care. 8. Even after a person dies, he is still dependent on the kindness of others to bury him. [Illustrative anecdotes provided, including citations to Ahavat Chesed, part 2, ch. 2; Micah 6:8; Yorah Daiah 246:18; Chayai Hamussar, vol. 2, p. 218; Pele Yoatz, sections chesed and derech Eretz].  PLYN 20-23


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