"For Instruction shall come forth from Zion, The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem." -- Isaiah 2:3


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GENESIS | 1:26 Us — GEN79 God took counsel with the angels before cre...

GEN79 God took counsel with the angels before creating man; this teaches us that a person of distinction should always take counsel with people of lesser stature.  Rashi, this verse. Similarly, we learn from Exodus 17:9 that a teacher should honor his disciples.  Moses charged Joshua to choose suitable men for Moses, yet used the expression “us” to include Joshua, his pupil.  The objective is to inform a person of lesser statute about one’s decision before acting upon it, and to consider his criticism.  This idea is illustrated by the Midrash Yalkut Genesis 12, which explains that after God informed the angels of His intention to make man in His image, a heated discussion broke out in the Heavens.  One group of angels spoke in favor of this decision, arguing that man’s capability to perform kind deeds qualifies him to be created in His image, while another group spoke in opposition, contending that man is full of falsehood.  Another group spoke in favor, maintaining that man’s ability to act righteously justifies his creation, while still another spoke in opposition, arguing that man’s character is essentially disposed to dispute.  The Midrash concludes, “Even while the angels debated the wisdom of this decision, God crated man.”  Even so, one who makes a controversial decision should try to placate those who are in opposition.  This is derived from the manner in which God argued in favor of the creation of Man – He assured that man’s offspring would be righteous, concealing the fact that wicked offspring would also be born.  There are even times when the wisest approach is to simply keep silent.  In this manner, others will not disturb him in performing the required action.   WAGS 16-17, 96-97


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