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DEUTERONOMY — 4:4 cleave

DEUT47 Now is it possible to cleave to the Shechinah? Is it not written (24): "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire"? But, if one weds his daughter to a Torah scholar, or engages in business on behalf of a Torah scholar, or benefits a Torah scholar from his possessions, Scripture accounts it to him as if he would cleave to the Shechinah (Ketuvoth 111b)


DEUTERONOMY — 4:9 sons

DEUT83 It was taught: If one hears a section [of Torah] from his son's son, it is as if he would have heard it at Mount Sinai. Whence is this derived? From: "And you shall impart them to your sons and to the sons of your sons," followed by: "The day you stood before the Lord your God in Chorev" -- [i.e., If you hear it from the son of your son] it is just as [if you heard it] the day you stood before the Lord your God in Chorev (Yerushalmi Kiddushin 1:7)


DEUTERONOMY — 4:9 sons

DEUT84 It was taught: Though it was ruled that one must marry off his son, even so, if he did not do so, the son is obliged to find a wife for himself. Whence is this derived? From: "Vehodatam" -- [a capsulization of] "Vehodatam atem" ["and you yourselves shall impart them" (to your sons by marrying off yourselves if your father has not done so)] (Yerushalmi Kiddushin 1:7)


DEUTERONOMY — 4:16 corrupt

DEUT115 [Pen tashchitun] - It was taught in the school of R. Yishmael: Wherever "hashchathah" ["corruption"] is mentioned, either illicit relations or idolatry is alluded to. Illicit relations -- Genesis 6:12): "for all flesh has corrupted its way"; idolatry -- "Lest you corrupt yourselves and make unto yourselves an image" (Avodah Zarah 23b)


DEUTERONOMY — 4:42 live

DEUT144 It was taught: if a disciple is exiled, his teacher is exiled with him, it being written: "and he shall flee … and he shall live": Provide all that he needs for "living." R. Zeira said: From here it is derived that one should not teach a disciple who is not upright [the latter type furnishing the class of "unwitting slayers," whose teachers are constrained to be exiled along with them] (Makkoth 10a)


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